Tips To Understand Maternity And Paternity Rights

Apparently the Duke is taking the normal two weeks which most Dads are entitled to. Employers are duty bound to make all of their employees aware of their maternity/paternity leave and pay policies and ensure employees are comfortable discussing these.

Getting To Grips With Your Tax Affairs

The taxman; often synonymous with the bogeyman, these two words can strike fear into the heart of even the most law-abiding business person, conjuring up images of massive piles of forms to be filled out, paperwork to be prepared and files to be sorted. All of which need doing within a certain time frame, to a certain specification and with […]

Moving Home? How to Find the Perfect Solicitor

Moving house is an exciting time but it can be stressful. The process of finding a great property, getting an offer accepted on it, navigating through to exchange and finally completion can raise many queries and legal issues. Having an experienced conveyancer to guide you through the process is essential.