Look For These Key Elements When Selecting A Law Firm

No matter who we are and where we come from, at some point in our lives we’ll probably find ourselves in need of a lawyer.Injuries on the job, divorce and custody disputes, real estate issues, or complications arising from health care delivery may require expert legal advice or resolution in a court of law.

Accidents in the workplace: Should you make a claim?

Workplace accidents are common in the UK. According to the Health and Safety Executive, approximately 111,000 non-fatal workplace injuries were reported under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) in 2011/2012. Many thousands more injuries are thought to have gone unreported, costing the British economy some 27 million working days (including work-related illnesses).

Four Common Street Hazards to Look Out For

When you get out of bed in the morning, you never know quite what the day will hold. Some days you’ll breeze through your morning commute happily whistling a tune as you go, but then there are other days when you end up spilling coffee on your clean shirt and then get splashed by a puddle as you’re waiting for […]