Ideally you will never be involved in an automobile accident or need to submit an insurance claim. Even the most careful and experienced drivers, nevertheless, can easily discover themselves in the middle of a crash. Would you know what to do? Knowledge of what to do after the vehicle mishap can assist make the insurance coverage claims process simpler and smoother so that you are back on the roadway faster. Elia & Ponto always has a leading Michigan car accident lawyer ready to help you in 2018.
If you are in an auto accident:
- Aim to remain calm, stop your automobile and check for injuries. The life and health of you, your guests and the other individuals associated with the accident is far more important than the vehicle itself.
- If needed, call the authorities and let them know of the mishap, your place, how many people are included, whether there are injuries and the kinds of injuries.
- You might wish to take sensible actions to safeguard yourself, and your lorry, from further damage. Where possible and if legal, move the cars to the side of the road and switch on your risks as quickly as it is safe. If you have flares, you might wish to use them to caution approaching traffic and to avoid extra crashes.
- Taking lots of notes is a good practice, like:
– the date, time and area of the mishap
– how the mishap occurred– in some cases a drawing is worth a thousand words and can help boost what you’ve kept in mind
– the type and location of damage to your cars and truck
– the type and place of damage to the other automobiles or home included
– the names, addresses and contact details of all motorists and guests involved in the accident
– chauffeur’s license numbers and all the details on the licenses
– insurance identifications consisting of the name of the insurance provider and policy number
– the names, addresses and contact details of witnesses
– the names and badge varieties of law enforcement officer or other very first reaction personnel
(Being able to remember is important so keep a pen and pad in your glove compartment, simply in case.).
- You may wish to ask the policeman when and where you can get a copy of the accident report. There’s a good chance you’ll need it when you submit your insurance coverage claim to your insurer. Elia & Ponto is ready to help you file a Michigan auto accident claim and help you understand the Michigan types of compensation.
- It’s generally a great idea to call your insurer right now and report the accident since the sooner they understand about the crash the quicker they can start working to fix your insurance coverage claim. Too, they’ll have the ability to describe the next steps, like where to have actually the vehicle towed if necessary and arrange for an adjuster to come out and appraise the damage prior to any repair work is done.
- There are a few don’ts you might wish to consider like do not go over the financial limitations of your vehicle insurance plan and prevent talking about the responsibility for the accident or situations of the accident with anyone other than the police or an agent of your insurance company.
Vehicle accidents take a substantial toll on everyone involved. However, if you stay calm, make safety your concern and follow the above ideas, you will survive the experience of being in an accident and submitting an insurance claim.