How To Claim Holiday Sickness Compensation?

Most of the people, on holiday, think about holiday sickness compensation when they fall ill during the holiday. Most of the people ask questions about how they can claim holiday sickness compensation. Another question is, are you eligible for this compensation or not. The answer is not very simple. The questions asked have different answers as the eligible criteria, and […]

What’s All the Fuss About Personal Injury Claims?

Turn on the television, walk down the high street, listen to the radio; it seems that there is no escape from the number of companies encouraging people to get in touch about accidents or injuries that they have suffered in the last three years. But why is there this seeming explosion of personal injury touts and is this sign of […]

Types Of Road Traffic Accident Claim

Most people realise that if they have an accident in a car they can make a road accident claim to cover the repair of their vehicle, any loss of income that they have suffered and other costs. However, many do not realise that other kinds of accidents fall into the category of a road traffic accident.