Many car accidents take place every year, and so insurance companies are busy all the time with claims. The most seen cause of road accidents is driver negligence. In the present day, there is a multitude of reasons for a driver to get preoccupied and lose his or her wariness while behind the wheel. Tuning the car radio, changing or locating a CD, taking or making a call on the cell phone, dealing with other passengers in the car, and a lot of other things contribute to distracting the driver while driving, which in turn become the reason for car accidents.
Another reason for car accidents is a lack of driving experience, as some surveys have shown that young drivers who are less than 25 years of age are involved in the majority of road accidents. This demonstrates that young drivers do not have the experience, and furthermore, some are reckless drivers. The study has also shown that people over the age of 70 are also involved in some accidents, and this could be attributed to the fact that their reaction time is slower than that of younger people.
Driving while drunk and the influence of other drugs is also a frequent cause of road accidents. Data demonstrates that drink driving is one of the main causes of road accidents, particularly on weekends.
Not obeying traffic laws and reckless driving are other major causes of road accidents. Cutting lanes, slowing down suddenly, and tailgating are common reasons for road accidents. Not signaling while changing lanes causes the car to plow into the other car that is trying to cut into the lane. Slowing down suddenly to view something on the side of the road will cause the driver at the back to ram the car in front, which can trigger a chain reaction. Not maintaining a safe distance when following a car is just asking for trouble.
Bad weather is another cause of road accidents. Everyone knows that the weather is quite unpredictable, and so it’s easy to be caught in bad weather (such as snow storms) while driving. Bad visibility, faulty windshield wipers, not turning on the lights, etc. are all causes of road accidents in bad weather.
The automobile that is being used must be looked at frequently to make sure that it is in perfect running condition, as anything as minor as a broken light, to faulty brakes, can cause road accidents.
Road laws are meant to be obeyed, and not following them is asking for trouble. Not remembering to wear a seat belt, or taking it off in a hurry, can result in a needless injury. Also, if there is a child or pet in the car check that they are properly secured, and will not cause any interruption while driving.
Being alert and driving meticulously and cautiously is essential to avoid road accidents. A good driver is fully aware of the intentions of other drivers on the road, and this helps them to avoid accidents. Signs are put up to warn drivers and these must be obeyed. Furthermore, never drive under the influence of any intoxicant. Be very alert while driving in a rush, and focus on your driving to protect yourself from any unwanted trouble or injury.