What image does the words ‘Family Lawyer’ portray in your mind? Does it give you an image of a person who will be just practical, straightforward or may be slightly rude? Well, in such case you have drawn a wrong image. A family lawyer is as empathetic as he or she is practical. In fact, in their course of education, they are taught this as well.

Therefore, a family law solicitor can be your emotional and legal savior in following cases: –

  • You may seek help of one when you are getting married and want to enter into a prenuptial agreement in order to protect the assets of one or both the parties.
  • A Brisbane family lawyer can be hired when you decide to go with divorce or legal separation.
  • To tackle the battle of child’s custody where you decide to go your separate ways and children are involved in it.
  • When division of property or other assets are involved, it is wise to seek guidance from family lawyers. They will make sure that you get what you are entitled to.
  • Apart from property, finance and possession will also have to be sorted.
  • If you are entering into a civil partnership or ending one then legal professional will support you in making you aware of your rights.
  • In the case of divorce, sometimes grandparents lose access to their grand children. In such a case even they can also seek a Family lawyer’s help.
  • Family law solicitors can also help you in preparing and contesting wills as well.
  • Even if there is even a dash of abuse or violence in your relationship you must seek legal help immediately.

If there is any of the above issues you are facing then New Way Lawyers will help you out. It is the first Australian not for a profit family law firm. The firm aims to cater to those who are unable to afford legal services from private lawyers. In fact, not only them but to each person who is denied justice on the basis of religion, race, gender, age, disability and sexual orientation. Here each client is treated with equal dignity and compassion. Their motto is justice for all of you without any discrimination.

New Way Lawyers work for people and not money. They do not believe in making profit out of your worst situations. However, a minimal fee is charged since the organization has to bear the expenses. Therefore, the firm is for those who earn too much to be eligible for pro-bono legal services but too less to hire a representative from private legal firms.

If you think that they will cut corners due to profit factor then you are mistaken. They are here for your justice and it will be done in every way, even with respect to the quality of their service. Each client is assigned an attorney and from beginning to the end he or she will handle your case. A Brisbane family lawyer will discuss the matter with you, prepare the case and discuss the solutions with you. They are passion driven and determined  and will take the responsibility of handling the whole matter i.e. from drafting the paper, to filing the case in court and representing you there, if the need arises.